Archive for Mar, 2021

Hey there inmates!

How are you doing? Having a nice week? Keeping your socks clean and such? That’s just fab to hear! I’m having an alright week as well. I’ve felt productive and reasonably confident in my work, which is always something of a novelty. I think it’s that novel nature that leads me to declare it each time it happens. Almost like memorializing it for myself. Haha!

So, it’s a wednesday. Once more into the breach! It’s time for another edition of the Harlequins writing music today. Once again there is a theme to my musical choices today. Have any of you seen the clue on my social media? Any idea what it is? To be honest, it was a pretty obvious clue. But not everything has to be so machiavellian eh?

The theme for todays post is space! The very image and enigma of space has inspired countless artists in the past. Oh yes indeed! That “final frontier” in the words of one of those Star Trek guys. I’ve always found it fascinating. From the moon, to the stars. From artwork of a nebula, to the planets of our solar system. It’s just all so gargantuan and beyond anything a human mind can conceivably compute. It’s just so inspiring. I can spend hours of the night just looking up wondering what’s up there. What mysteries does that black void hold? There are many songs about aspects of space. Or just give the feeling of floating around in a vacuum. Many people write about the moon and it’s eerie but romantic face. I’ve heard songs about the night sky as an image, a giant landscape painting. I could go on all day, but I imagine you guys want to hear some music eh? Let’s listen to five song and artists that I feel encompass the marvels of the stars beyond.

Join me, as we delve into the musical minds of intergalactic artists the world over!

TheFatRat – MAYDAY

Peter Schilling – Major Tom

Muse – Supermassive Black Hole

David Bowie – Space Oddity

Thin Lizzy – Dancing In The Moonlight

And there we go for another volume of the Harlequins writing music!

So, what do you think? There’s some intergalactic tunes for you all. There are many others I could have included of course. Special mention to Walking on the moon by REM, it missed the list by the slimmest of margins. I also think it’s worth mentioning the sheer number of relaxation mixes of music inspired by space. Nothing is more calming than some soft echoing tones while looking at beautiful picture of the universe. I hope you all enjoy my choices for this week and that you check these artists out if you’re unfamiliar. I know it’s basically a cardinal sin to not have heard of David Bowie, but even so! Haha!

Let’s have some social media nonsense for this week eh? The asylum has a presence on other social media sites. I have a Facebook page, an Instagram page and an account on Twitter. I share random things over there and I also share clues for my poems and writing music themes a few hours before they are posted. If you enjoy what I do here at the Asylum, please consider supporting me over on the Ko-Fi page. Thanks for everything people!

Until next week, have a very crazy day inmates!

Under stormy skies,
My mind is an art gallery,
A museum of ideations,
An asylum of nightmares,
Portraits and landscapes aplenty,
Disparate images of chaotic vivacity,

The price of entry a forlorn spirit,
The exhibits are of heart-breaking intentions,
Fantasies scrawled in ink and charcoal,
Grisly outcomes and self-chastisement,
Brushstrokes wishing for things sour,
Held in frames specked in self-harm ruby,

It is a dark place,
A hell I keep under wraps,
A location best left locked,
But at times it trills out,
Calling to that theatre of suicides,
And impelling me to stay within its halls.

Groups of people are ships,
Ironclad vessels built upon hulls of teamwork,
Did you know this?
Families and friendships and workforces,
They are crewmates on the same deck,
Sailing the same course,
To the same destination or goal,
Led by a captain of respect,
A person of veneration,
The rigging to the crews sails,

But humans are a fickle bunch,
Some souls have mutiny in their hearts,
They wish to hold the top spot,
So they drill holes in the hull,
Cut free the lifeboats,
And sabotage the rudder,
A rat-king prowling amongst the crew,
Pity this fool,
Who would sink the entire vessel,
Purely because they can’t be the captain.

Some people never leave drama lessons,
Their dramatic exultations are not limited to class,
Social life is also a play,
A tall tale to which they are dramatis personae,
An endless supply of attention,
Teenage mindsets abound,

A rumour here,
A silver tongue there,
Crocodile tears over yonder,
Perhaps lips touching,
And the stage is set,
For this manufactured performance,

You see these people wish to be eyesores,
The centre of everyone’s gaze,
To be fawned over by all who will,
Lauded onwards by fellow prom kings and queens,
Plastic performers,
Confirmed in their own indignity,

It is like a drug to the vein,
These consistent victims play their starring role,
Uncaring for those they step on,
As long as the audience attends,
Any audience,
The curtains never draw close.

There is a friend to creatives,
An ally in chemical form,
It sits in mugs and cans,
Dragging us from our stupor,
Resurrecting our addled morning minds,
And stimulating our writing hands,

The essence of haste,
That nectar of Apollo,
It resides in all shades of refreshment,
It is coffee,
It is taurine,
It is sugar,

Overindulgence permits spasms of the veins,
It’s a necessary narcotic though,
With a sweet taste,
And notes of hyperdrive tang,
A turbo boost for the artistic engine,
Or for whatsoever endeavour you require elation,

So take a sip,
And take off.

The man was akin to a bough,

He has had a long life,

Knowing whether it has been good or foul is impossible,

He can no longer speak,

It can only be read upon his gnarled bark,

His worn face,

Stories carved into knots and wood,

Legends and legacies,

Storied mosquitoes in amber,

History written in oak,

This storied gentleman stands tall,

Thought scored by the years,

He is a monument to his own life,

Paragraphs in timber,

The years read out in rings,

A gigantic redwood in the forest,

Bare in the winter.

This desert of existence ranges onwards,
The dunes a maze of decisions,
Scathing to the touch,
My camel became bleached bone eons ago,
I’ve forgotten the sounds of life and flushing leaves,
The only caress from blades of desert wind,

I ache for an oasis of respite,
To rest my fĆØet upon regal silk,
To wash my hands in something other than grating sand,
Some pure water filled with praise,
A compliment not from a forked tongue,
Before resuming lifes journey,

I see pyramids filled with gold and felicity,
Dancing a slow sway upon the horizon,
The sight galvanises my steps,
Just a handful more miles of bland waste,
Or is it mirages that give me hope?
Has the heat of being gotten to me?

Hello there inmates!

I hope you’re all having a wonderful week. Mine has felt extremely productive, which is a very freeing feeling I must say! I’ve gotten the impression that my works this week have been a tad more “hard-hitting” than average. The epitome for me was “Domestic Bliss” which, as may be clear, was derived from real life experience and anguish. I was content with how it came out though and I hope you all enjoyed it.

So, it’s time for the Harlequins writing music! Any of you who happen to follow my social media may have already guessed the theme for todays post from my clue. I hope it wasn’t too obscure. So, the theme of todays music picks is rebellion. What is rebellion? The spirit of freedom and the will to ask questions, even against authority. Criticising your own government is one area that most think of when you hear the term rebel. The determination to be yourself regardless of those cupped whispers. It can be misconstrued as childishness at times I supppose, but that tends to be from people who seek to stand on you. This rebellious spirit has sparked many artists over the years, from punks to anarchists, from anti-establishment types to followers of particular politicos. These can span genres of all kinds and there are no shortages of artists to pick from.

So, let’s see what I have come up with. Do you agree with my ‘lower than layman’ take on rebellion? Or do you think I’m being overly vague? I think I’m still getting the hang of this. So let’s see which five artists we have today eh?

Join me as we delve into the musical minds of rebellious artists the world over!

Rise Against – Hero Of War

Rage Against The Machine – Killing In The Name

The Cranberries- Zombie

Eric Clapton – Stand & Deliver

System Of The Down – B.Y.O.B.

And there we have it for todays edition!

So, how about those choices eh? I’m hoping they displayed some rebellious spirit for you all to enjoy. There were a few others I toyed with choosing, but maybe they’ll appear some other time. I hope you’ve enjoyed my choices and that you check any of these artists if you’re unfamiliar,they all deserve it!

So, lets have some social media spiel! If you want to see clues for my poems and weiting music themes ahead of time, consider liking/following me over there! I have an account on Facebook, an account over on Instagram and last but not least a page on Twitter. Also, if you enjoy what I do here at the asylum, please consider supporting me overĀ at the Ko-fi page! Thanks for everything!

Until next week, have a very crazy day inmates!

Spring is come,
I see it in the daffodils legion beside the road,
I feel it on the warmer zephyr,
My ears heed the throng leaving hibernation,
The smell of fresh grass graces my nostrils,
I taste the cordial breeze upon my tongue,
My senses can perceive the shift,

The world comes to life again,
Shaking off the frosty mantle,
Bringing its head above the snow finally,
Taking a long-awaited breath,
Its veins bearing aqua unfrozen once more,
Like an archaic blade reforged,
The world exists anew.

I remember you vividly,
Sitting next to me,
Or were you standing over me?
Holding me perhaps too tight,
A living and breathing possession,
I was your toy soldier,

You showed your feelings openly,
Love letters in dark patches of skin,
Compliments tempered with caveats,
Invisible chains while away,
I believed it was stress or foul mood,
But you were Hyde without Jekyll,

Did we have a good life?
In our love nest of isolation,
An idyllic little boxing ring,
No friends allowed,
Don’t let the spies in,
They can’t see the real us,

It wasn’t all bad,
As you snored,
I breathed a sigh of relief,
When you left for the mines,
I didn’t flee,
Why didn’t I leave?

You said you loved me,
But your closed fists said otherwise,
You claimed to support me,
Then why could I only do wrong?
You didn’t want to hurt me,
Then why do I sustain scars years later?