Archive for Aug, 2014

Hello there inmates!

I hope that you’re all having a fine day! It’s finally time for yet another edition of the Harlequins writing music. It feels like ages since I actually posted the last one of these. I’m fairly sure it was over a month ago. That simply won’t do! There has been a lot going on here at the asylum you see. A busy time indeed. I haven’t been posting nearly as much as I’d like to due to all of this. I’m trying to get back into a routine though, so I suppose we shall see. Wish me luck eh?

So here we are once again, I’m going to present to you some more fine bands that I often listen to while I write. I try to keep it as varied as possible. No single genre here my friends!

Now, let us delve into the musical minds of estimable artists the world over!

Cider Sky – Northern Lights

Gackt – Redemption

Paul Shapera – New Albion 1

Maximum The Hormone – Koi No Mega Lover

Slipknot – Vermillion


So there you have it! I’d say that’s a pretty varied little musical journey into the aether, wouldn’t you? A little bit of madness, a touch of calmness and then finished off with a dash of mournful rage. A veritable odyssey I say! I hope that you’ve enjoyed this edition of the Harlequins writing music and I hope to see you all again soon! I’m still working on a few pieces to be posted up, so watch out for those in the next few days. Tally-ho!

Until next time, have a supremely crazy day inmates!

I lay beaten and bloodied,
On the cold floor of this world,
Provoked by human bigotry,
Riposted by human lies,
Cut open by human greed,
Mankind struck me down.

We were warned to be vigilant,
To protect our families from the dark,
Evil lay just out of sight,
Danger peeked around corners,
Here there be monsters they told us,
Simple misdirection.

The true monsters grow no claws nor fangs,
They stand shoulder to shoulder with you,
They wear the same suits and eat from the same troughs,
No demons are coming from the dark,
Humanity is already here,
Evil has already won.


This house is like an old radio,
Damaged beyond repair,
Beaten and broken,
Like so many familial bonds,
The parts no longer fit well together,
She re-assembled it all wrong.

Domestic censor,
Domestic tyrant,
Some channels are allowed to play loud,
While others are set to mute,
All goodwill is static,
Treacherous broadcasts play the whole day.

If you happen to tune in,
It’s a one-way radio here.
