Archive for the ‘Awards’ Category

Hello there inmates!

Remember me? It seems like it’s been a while since I posted anything. Ok, it’s only been half a week or so, but it feels quite a bit longer. Yet again, sorry about that. I’ve been very busy with a new job you see. Oh, the joys of capitalism eh? I’m still working on a Daetrolos piece and several Asylum Mythos pieces, so watch out for those. I’ve also began devising a new poem, which I should have ready and posted by the end of the week too.

Anyway, today I thought I’d respond to an award that I was nominated for a few days ago. This award is the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award. Quite a joyous and pleasant sounding award no? I was nominated for this by the ever-laudable Sourceror, a blogger I happen to enjoy reading very much. Thank you very much Sourceror for thinking of me, as always it means a lot. Loving the Facebook page, by the way!


Right, now for the award itself! It’s a relatively simple one this time, no long questions or eccentric facts about oneself. You simply have to nominate 14 other bloggers and post links to their blogs. You see, the idea of this award is to give a little thank you to those fellow bloggers who regularly view, like and comment on you blog. So yes, even if you don’t do awards, consider this a personal thank you to yourselves for being such great little inmates!

The specific rules are as follows:
1. The nominee shall display the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award logo on his/her blog.
2. The nominee shall nominate 14 bloggers s/he admires, over a period of 7 days, all at once or little by little, by linking to their blogs and informing them about it.

I think I’m going to simply nominate all of my allotted nominees all at once, because I feel I will simply forget if I try to do it bit by bit. So here goes, these are my nominees!

So there you go! Congratulations to all of my nominees, you all deserve the exposure. Thank you to all of you who happen to read this! I hope that you will continue to support my little menagerie of madness here at WorldofHarley. Thank you once again! Until next time…

Have a strikingly crazy day inmates!


Hello there inmates!

I hope you’re all having a fine day! I know I said this was going to be last night, but it seems that I either fell asleep or simply forgot. Apologies for that! I’ve finally got around to one of the awards that I’ve been nominated for recently. This time it is something known as the “Sunshine award”. A truly suitable award name for this time of year, since it’s beginning to warm up here in the UK. In my friend Becky’s words, this award is “passed on by bloggers to fellow bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere”. How very uplifting!

I was nominated for this award by my good friend Becky over at Creativity is Key! It’s not the first time Becky has nominated me for an award and for that, I am very grateful. So yes, once again Becky, thank you very much for considering me again. It means a lot!

Now this award, so far as i can tell, is very similar to the Liebster award in terms of rules. The only major differences that I can see are the name and the fact there is no notified number of people you must nominate. Anyway, allow me to be more specific.

The rules for the Sunshine award as follows:

1. Display the award certificate on your website.
2. Announce your win with a post and link to whoever presented your award.
3. Answer the 10 questions given to you.
4. Present the award to deserving bloggers.
5. List 10 questions for them to answer.
6. Drop them a comment to tip them off after you’ve linked them in the post.

Right! So now I must answer the questions that Becky gave me. Here goes!

Where do you find inspiration?
I find inspiration in a number of things. I take inspiration from music, books, video games and anime. Ideas just sort of “poof” into existence as i watch/listen to these things. I can’t really explain it. I occasionally get rather bizarre ideas when I’m sat gazing out of the window. Inspiration is mysterious like that i think.
Do you have a particular audience in mind when you write?
Not at all, to be honest. If someone enjoys what I write then great. If not, then fair enough.
When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I’m not sure i really remember. I think I wanted to be a video game designer or otherwise work in video gaming.
Why/When did you start your blog?
I believe it was either October or November last year. I started it as a kind of gamble I suppose, I simply wanted to know if anyone would enjoy my sort of work.
Who is your favorite writer or poet?
It’s got to be HP Lovecraft, without a doubt. Such an inspiration, in writing terms at least.
Do you ever get writers block? What do you do about it?
Of course, who doesn’t? I quite often just sort of wait it out, I’m not too knowledgeable of writing block techniques.
Are you currently in love?
Most definitely! I’m in love with my wonderful girlfriend Lee!
Is there a certain place that you prefer to write?
I will almost always write in my own bedroom. It’s something of a sanctum for me.
Do you do anything else creative?
Well, I do attempt to draw occasionally. The ideas for my drawings often come with the ideas for my writing. I’m not really very good at it though.
What was the last thing that made you think “wow…”?
I think I saw a random animal picture on Facebook. Can’t really remember what it was, but I remember it being rather exotic.

I hope those answers are satisfactory! Now I must nominate fellow bloggers for this award. According to the rules, there is no designated number of people i must nominate. Therefore, I’m just going to nominate 5 bloggers. It seems like a nice, simple number. AshiAkira Childoftheisland Heart of a Lunatic Rami Ungar the Writer Musings of the Bard

There we are! Five extremely deserving nominees. Be sure to check all of them out. Now i must attempt to come up with ten questions for my nominees to answer. Here goes!

1. Do you post your writing/work anywhere else?

2. Do you listen to music while you write?

3. What sort of music?

4. What piece of writing/work are you most proud of?

5. Who is your favorite author?

6. What inspires your writing/work?

7. What is your favorite color?

8. How do you deal with writers block?

9. What would be your favorite thing to drink while writing?

10. Describe yourself in 3 words.

So there you have it. Hope those questions are interesting enough for you. So that’s my response post to the Sunshine award. Thank you once again Becky for nominating me. Be sure to check her blog and those of my nominees as well. You shan’t be disappointed!


Have a very crazy day inmates!

Hello there inmates!

You’ll never guess what happened! I got nominated for the Liebster award again! I’m very seriously considering creating a category on the blog dedicated to these things, i know i said it last time but i truly might. This time i have been nominated by Rami Ungar The Writer, a gentleman if i ever saw one. Apologies to Rami for leaving this response so very late! He is another great horror writer and also has some interesting reviews. Go check out his blog, you won’t be disappointed.

So, here are the rules for the nomination from Rami:

1. Write 11 random facts about myself.
2. Answer 11 questions Rami came up for me.
3. Nominate 11 bloggers.
4. Come up with 11 questions for my nominees.

So, here’s some random facts about me i suppose:

1. I once forgot where i lived. I don’t know what happened but i finished school and just couldn’t remember. My friends had to show me.

2. I once wished i could become a video game designer. I don’t think i really have the ability to do it though. I’m quite happy with writing now.

3. I really hate riding in cars.

4. Even though i don’t like being in water, i adore being on boats. I actually often wish i could get a job on a yacht or a water bus.

5. I once got called Johnny Depp. I don’t see the resemblance at all. Not even the slightest bit.

6. My favorite color is dark green.

7. I have an unhealthy obsession with hats. Top hats in particular.

8. I have no real political views at all. I prefer to stay out of all of that.

9. I once got my head closed in a car door. I sometimes wonder if that’s when the voices started. Haha!

10. I really like Steampunk music.

11. I’ve only ever watched one band live. That band was the Shanklin Freak show.


Right, now i have to answer the questions that Rami asked in his post:

What is your favorite genre of fiction?
It would have to be high fantasy. I love big monsters, armies and huge battles and the like. I’m also quite partial to horror and historical fantasy.
What scares you the most?
If it had to be anything it would be water. I’m not a fan.
When you were growing up, what did you want to be when you were an adult?
I wanted to be a video game designer, i loved video games then and now. There was also a bizarre patch where i wanted to be a priest despite not being religious. The mind boggles.
If you could hang out with one superhero for a day, who would you pick and why?
It would have to be Batman. Simply because i can undermine him so the Joker can win. Wink wink!
What is your pet peeve?
Cats. Hate the damn overgrown rats.
What is something you never thought you’d end up doing but you found yourself doing it?
To be honest, blogging. I never ever expected that i would be trying to get my writing out into the world.
What do you look for in a potential romantic partner?
I think it would be a little bit pointless to answer this. I have Lee. Haha!
What is something you wish you could change about yourself?
If it had to be anything, probably my height. I don’t really fancy being short all my life.
What is something you’d like to do before you’re 80?
See Steam Powered Giraffe or Poets of the Fall live.
What is your fondest childhood memory?
This is a difficult one to answer as i remember very little about my childhood. It would have to be meeting my group of friends for the first time. I’m still friends with most of them now, over 15 years later.
If you found a large brown spider crawling up your leg right now, how would you most likely react?
I’d most likely squash it. Spiders don’t bother me. I’m not violent i swear! Haha!

Now i need to nominate 11 other bloggers for the award. Here goes. ET Tu, Arcopet! Heart of a Lunatic Thoughts from the spare room THE DEAD GAME Erik S. Lehman Creativity is Key AshiAkira’s Blog Stahr Magazine Radiating Blossom The Sixpence at Her Feet Sea Said


There we go. Those are my nominees. They’re all quite brilliant, be sure to check them all out! So now for the questions for them to answer.

1. Are you afraid of clowns?

2. If you were asked to spend a night in a supposedly haunted mansion for a fortune, would you?

3. Do you prefer poetry or prose?

4. What is your favorite genre?

5. On a relaxing night in, do you prefer a book or a film? Why?

6. Cats or dogs?

7. What is your opinion of the situation in Ukraine?

8. Do you listen to music while writing? What kind?

9. Do you like/watch anime?

10. Describe yourself in three words?

11. What is your quote of the day?


So there we go! Those are the questions for my lucky nominees! Be sure to check out each of the nominees, they really all deserve the attention. Also, thanks again to my good friend Rami, be sure to check out his blog as well. You won’t regret it! Thank you for reading.

Have a very crazy day!


Hello there inmates!

I hope you’re all having a fine weekend. It looks like i was nominated for another award thingamajig, this time the Dragon’s Loyalty Award. I daresay I’m going to have to create a category for award posts soon! Although these awards are, as one blogger put it, “glorified chain letters”, I quite enjoy doing them. They give me an opportunity to write a little about myself and highlight other bloggers who deserve much more exposure and attention.

I was nominated for this award by my very good friend Becky from Creativity is Key. Becky runs a great blog, she writes some pretty great poetry and some other interesting posts about writing related things. Check out her blog, you shan’t be disappointed! Thank you very kindly Becky! As always, it means a great deal!

It appears that this award is designed to highlight loyal bloggers who comment and like your blog fairly regularly. Nominate your friends basically. Hence Loyal Dragon’s Award i suppose! I hope i got that right!

The rules of the award are as follows:

1. Display the Award Certificate on your blog.
2. Announce your win with a post and link to whoever presented your award.
3. Present the award to deserving bloggers.
4. Drop them a comment to tip them off after you’ve linked them in the post.
5. Post 7 interesting things about yourself.


Right, now i must nominate some bloggers for the award. The rules don’t actually appear to specify a number, but Becky nominated seven so i shall too. Sourceror The Sixpence at Her Feet An Ever Changing Writer I AM Seekingsomepeace childoftheisland FlyTrapMan The Journal of Wall Grimm


Now i have to write 7 “interesting” things about myself. I don’t know about interesting, but I’ll give it a try!

1. I tend to eat very bland food. I despise gravy and i avoid sauces like they’re made of rotten bugs. I like my food dry. The more bone dry, the better. The only thing i like to put on my food is salt.

2. My favorite band is the Poets of the fall. I adore their powerful lyrics and the lead singer is amazingly skillful. I even try to avoid listening to them too often so that their music always has the most positive effect. It’s like the first time each time.

3. I’m actually quite terrible in social situations. I never know what to say and i don’t always feel comfortable when there are groups of people around me. I’m naturally shy i suppose.

4. This may not seem like a huge surprise but i really like clowns. I don’t understand why people find them scary.

5. I like to go for walks in the middle of the night, usually for no reason whatsoever. I don’t really have any trouble navigating in the dark. It helps my think. The brighter the moon, the better.

6. I’ve only ever broken one bone. I broke my left hand in a minor motorbike accident about two years ago. It was a bit of a nuisance, but i did a whole days worth of work before i went to the hospital. Insanity i say!

7. I am unreservedly an atheist.


Well, there we are! There are some “interesting” things about me. So yes, thank you once again Becky. Be sure to check out her blog, it’s really cool! Congratulations to all of the fellow bloggers that i nominated. You all deserve the exposure. Be sure to check out the nominees as well!

Have a very crazy day inmates!








Hello there inmates!

Great news once more! It appears that I’ve been nominated for another Liebster award. It’s even got a different image this time. Naturally i was quite flabbergasted, yet overjoyed by this development! I had intended to respond to this nomination a lot sooner, but as some of you may know, my computer decided to temporarily give up the ghost. I suppose that technically makes it a zombie-computer.

This time i was nominated by the deeply mysterious and talented Victim of Crime, at ‘A Victims Journal‘. This is the post where our friend nominated me and the other surely deserving nominees. Thank you kindly my friend, you are far too kind! If you get a chance, check out Victims blog. Some quite proper poetry going on over there, to be sure!

So, here’s the rules for this award. Slightly different to last time it seems. Rules for the award are as follows:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.
2. Answer the 11 questions given to you.
3. Nominate 11 other blogs with less than 500 followers.
4. Post 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
5. Tag your nominees and post a comment on their blog to let them know you nominated them.

Very good! Now for the questions Victim gave me.

Why did you start blogging?
I’ve always written for myself. I wanted to get some of my writings out there and see what people thought of them. I’ve been quite humbled by the responses so far.
What is your most secret shameful pleasure?
Probably singing along to songs. I’m not singer, but i enjoy it. But only when nobody is around!
Name 3 people you like to have over for dinner.
Nobuo Uematsu, Edgar Allen Poe and HP Lovecraft.
What is your most inspiring quote?
“People will stare. Make it worth their while”.
What was your favorite subject in High school and why?
Most definitely English. I’ve always enjoyed writing and that was the subject that allowed me to do that the most. I was a little bit rubbish at everything else.
Name your favorite movie of all time.
That would be ‘Hellboy’.
Who do you have a secret crush on and why?
Well, it’s hardly a secret. My only crush is on Lee. Bit pointless to say why on this one. 😉
What do you fear the most?
Being abandoned by everyone i know.
How do you get inspired when writing?
I listen to music, sometimes while looking at the sky or pictures of sunsets and stuff like that. That’s what inspired my “Writing Music” posts.
Are you tired of answering questions?
Not at all!
What historical period would you have liked to live in and why?
Most likely the Victorian age. A new discovery almost every other week. Not to mention the vastly superior level of fashion! Top hats for the win!


So now i must nominate 11 other bloggers for the Liebster award! So here goes. Syntatic Static Creativity is Key Yr Enaid Sipsiwn Writings From Dr. Oolie’s Pond A Well Read Woman Shewstone Indig air Tyrannoninja’s Art and Writing Musings of the Bard Drakulus Tome of the Ancient


Well, there you go! Those are my nominees! Be sure to check them all out. They’re rather fabulous! Now for the questions for them to answer.

1. Fantasy or Science Fiction?

2. Have you ever been disturbed by something you’ve written?

3. What keeps you writing?

4. What do want to write about, but haven’t yet?

5. What is favorite type of fashion?

6. Describe your personality in 3 words.

7. Who was Jack the Ripper?

8. Going to dress up for Halloween? What as?

9. Do you enjoy video games?

10. If yes, which games? If no, why not?

11. What is your quote of the day?

So there you have it. Those are the questions for my lucky nominees! I suppose that’s it for this post. Congratulations to my nominees and thank you once again to Victim at A Victims Journal. Be sure to check them out! Thank you all kindly for reading!

Have a very crazy day!


Good day inmates!

I have some wonderful news today! Just the other day i got a notification about a comment on one of my blog posts. This comment turned out to be a nomination for another chain-award-thingamajig, similar to the Liebster award one i got before. This nomination was for the Versatile Blogger Award this time.

The nomination was from the very talented ChocoCat from Glitterati Nails. Thank you very much ChocoCat for this nomination, it’s an honor as always. You are too kind and it certainly made my day! Check out Chococats blog whenever you get the opportunity.

The Versatile Blogger Award is another chain-award that is used to promote fellow bloggers who continue to produce quality content and work that you enjoy. ChocoCat posted a quote to describe the award here.

“The Versatile Blogger Award is an award given to you by your blogger peers, for writing quality posts that have somehow touched them, having good quality photographs, and uniqueness of the subjects covered. The award is to honor the bloggers who bring something special to your life.”

The rules of the Versatile Blogger Award are as follows:

  1. ★ Display the award certificate.
  2. ★Announce your win and thank the blogger who nominated you.
  3. ★Present 13 deserving bloggers with the award.
  4. ★Link your nominees in this post and let them know of their nomination with a comment.
  5. ★Post 7 interesting things about yourself.

My 13 very deserving nominees are:
1. KotoDama 2.0

2. Seekingsomepeace

3. Childoftheisland

4. Erik S. Lehman

5. Arthur Walterson’s Official Writing Blog

6. Hocuspocus13

7. I am a heathen

8. Legends of Windemere

9. Eric The Quilter

10. The Companion Blog 

11. From Now On I Live Mad

12. Dancing With Fireflies

13. The Ancient Gaming Noob


Here’s 7 random things about me:
1. I’m an avid gamer, particularly RPGs and strategy games. Final fantasy and Total war for example.
2. My favorite beverage is cider.
3. My face paint is, in fact, primarily eyeliner.
4. I adore Sherlock Holmes, the original.
5. I really like Victorian clothing.
6. Nobody has heard me sing.
7. I sometimes wish i was a robot.

So there you have it! Some random facts about the man behind the Harlequin. It’s been quite fun. Thank you once again to ChocoCat for the nomination and congratulations to my own nominees! You all deserve as much recognition as possible.

The Oldschool Harlequin


Greetings inmates!

Something a little different for you today. So i got a comment the other day from a fellow blogger, namely the very talented Airlia. She said she was nominating me for something called the Liebster award. Now, I’d never heard of this so i had to Google it at first. Turns out it’s not an official award but instead something akin to the old chain letter craze back from when i was young, however it is quite a bit more mature. Also nowhere near as irritating! The idea behind it is to promote each others blogs and help out the blogging community, basically. A fine goal indeed!

So basically you follow some predetermined rules. I’ll post the actual rules below. I have to answer some questions that Airlia put to me, then nominate a further 10 bloggers who have less than 200 followers. It’s a shame it’s only 10 really, there are a lot of bloggers who I’d love to promote.

So firstly, I’d like to thank Airlia warmly for her nomination. It means a lot. If you’d like to check out her blog, you can find it right here. I’d recommend it!

So next up, the rules of the Award are as follows:

1. Each nominee must link back the person who nominated them.
2. Answer the 10 questions which are given to you by the nominator.
3. Nominate 10 other bloggers for this award who have less than 200 followers.
4. Create 10 questions for your nominees to answer.
5. Let the nominees know that they have been nominated by going to their blog and notifying them.

Right, now for the questions. Hold tight!

What’s the story behind the name of your blog?
Well, as may be clear already my “name” is the Oldschool Harlequin. I’ve always shortened that as Harley in the past. I consider this blog a place (a world if you will) to spill my inner workings, however crazed or dark. So yes, thus WorldofHarley.
If there was one mythical or fictional creature you’d get to keep as a pet, what would it be?
I’d have to keep a little goblin as a pet. I’d call it Wallace and I would teach it to do basic housework and to greet quests. Mostly so i don’t have to. Oh, he would also wear a top hat. Just saying.
Tell us your quote of the day?
“On a scale of 1 to invade Russia in the winter, how bad is your idea?”
What’s your biggest dream?
I’m a humble man, my biggest dream is simply to have a simple, calm life. You know, just enough money, my own place, wife. I don’t think “big” so to speak. I wouldn’t complain if i did somehow get rich or famous or whatever, but it’s not really a dream of mine. I tend to avoid dreams of wealth and grandeur.
What’s your biggest fear?
Losing all of the people in the world I care about. My family, Lee, my ‘Bruddas’ and my closest friends.
Who is your favorite person in the world?
I wouldn’t feel ashamed to say that would be my girlfriend Lee. She sure as hell gets me. Corny perhaps, but it’s true.
If you get the chance to be a part of a different culture, which one it would be?
Like another nationality? I wouldn’t mind being part of Japanese culture. It’s so different to European cultures, it would be really interesting to see these differences in action. You always hear about how strange the Japanese can be, so I’d wanna see it all in person. The Japanese have awesome television and video games too! Not sure what I’d think of the food though.
If you were given the chance to travel the world, but not see or contact any family or friends during the trip. Would you go?
I would have to say yes. It’s not like you’d never see your family and friends again. I would love to see the world and what better way to experience than at your own pace? America, Caribbean, Europe, Australia, Asia, here I come!
You have a magical ability or a super power, what is it and why?
I would choose the ability to teleport anywhere I wanted. That would save me soooooo very much on travel expenses!
You are writing your life story, what’s the first line?
“As i stand here on the precipice of the end of my world, allow me to tell you my story…”


Right, so now I have to nominate 10 other bloggers to receive the Liebster award. A Well Read Woman A Final Fantasy Blog Press Start: Get a life Pixel Hearts NekoJonez’s gaming blog My Only Reality Fighting Fantasy Project Eric The Quilter Elisa C Poetry Deep Thoughts && Rhyming Words


Now, for my questions to you nominees. Mwahahahaha! OK, they won’t be that bad.

1. Are you afraid of clowns? Why/why not?

2. If you could learn any language you don’t currently know, what would it be and why?

3. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

4. Where do you see yourself in 20 years?

5. If given the opportunity, would you visit space?

6. Who/What inspires you?

7. Would you rather be rich or famous? Why?

8. Hot weather or cold weather? Why?

9. What is your favourite genre of music and why?

10. Tell us your quote of the day?


Well, there we have it. That’s been a lengthy post. Again, thank you for the nomination Airlia ( in case you guys forgot). Thank you for reading everyone and congratulations to the nominees.

Have a crazy day!