The Versatile Blogger award

Posted: Feb 11, 2014 in Awards, Random thoughts
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Good day inmates!

I have some wonderful news today! Just the other day i got a notification about a comment on one of my blog posts. This comment turned out to be a nomination for another chain-award-thingamajig, similar to the Liebster award one i got before. This nomination was for the Versatile Blogger Award this time.

The nomination was from the very talented ChocoCat from Glitterati Nails. Thank you very much ChocoCat for this nomination, it’s an honor as always. You are too kind and it certainly made my day! Check out Chococats blog whenever you get the opportunity.

The Versatile Blogger Award is another chain-award that is used to promote fellow bloggers who continue to produce quality content and work that you enjoy. ChocoCat posted a quote to describe the award here.

“The Versatile Blogger Award is an award given to you by your blogger peers, for writing quality posts that have somehow touched them, having good quality photographs, and uniqueness of the subjects covered. The award is to honor the bloggers who bring something special to your life.”

The rules of the Versatile Blogger Award are as follows:

  1. ★ Display the award certificate.
  2. ★Announce your win and thank the blogger who nominated you.
  3. ★Present 13 deserving bloggers with the award.
  4. ★Link your nominees in this post and let them know of their nomination with a comment.
  5. ★Post 7 interesting things about yourself.

My 13 very deserving nominees are:
1. KotoDama 2.0

2. Seekingsomepeace

3. Childoftheisland

4. Erik S. Lehman

5. Arthur Walterson’s Official Writing Blog

6. Hocuspocus13

7. I am a heathen

8. Legends of Windemere

9. Eric The Quilter

10. The Companion Blog 

11. From Now On I Live Mad

12. Dancing With Fireflies

13. The Ancient Gaming Noob


Here’s 7 random things about me:
1. I’m an avid gamer, particularly RPGs and strategy games. Final fantasy and Total war for example.
2. My favorite beverage is cider.
3. My face paint is, in fact, primarily eyeliner.
4. I adore Sherlock Holmes, the original.
5. I really like Victorian clothing.
6. Nobody has heard me sing.
7. I sometimes wish i was a robot.

So there you have it! Some random facts about the man behind the Harlequin. It’s been quite fun. Thank you once again to ChocoCat for the nomination and congratulations to my own nominees! You all deserve as much recognition as possible.

The Oldschool Harlequin

  1. I appreciate the nomination, man! I will have my own post online ASAP

  2. biahelvetti says:

    You have a wonderful blog, Sir, you totally deserve these lovely awards… and thankyou massively for my nomination – a lovely surprise! 🙂

  3. […] You check out his blog here, or if you want to know what the Versatile Blogger Award is about, check here. […]

  4. lilyyyyxcupcake says:

    Number 7 instantly reminded me of JP from grandmas boy!

  5. eriklehman says:

    Thanks for that awesome nomination, I appreciate it and am honoured. Keep up the stellar work. P.S. I feel the same about Victorian clothing, and older stuff as well.

  6. Ms. Vee says:


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