Aghast! A mysterious nomination!

Posted: Jan 27, 2014 in Awards, Random thoughts
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Greetings inmates!

Something a little different for you today. So i got a comment the other day from a fellow blogger, namely the very talented Airlia. She said she was nominating me for something called the Liebster award. Now, I’d never heard of this so i had to Google it at first. Turns out it’s not an official award but instead something akin to the old chain letter craze back from when i was young, however it is quite a bit more mature. Also nowhere near as irritating! The idea behind it is to promote each others blogs and help out the blogging community, basically. A fine goal indeed!

So basically you follow some predetermined rules. I’ll post the actual rules below. I have to answer some questions that Airlia put to me, then nominate a further 10 bloggers who have less than 200 followers. It’s a shame it’s only 10 really, there are a lot of bloggers who I’d love to promote.

So firstly, I’d like to thank Airlia warmly for her nomination. It means a lot. If you’d like to check out her blog, you can find it right here. I’d recommend it!

So next up, the rules of the Award are as follows:

1. Each nominee must link back the person who nominated them.
2. Answer the 10 questions which are given to you by the nominator.
3. Nominate 10 other bloggers for this award who have less than 200 followers.
4. Create 10 questions for your nominees to answer.
5. Let the nominees know that they have been nominated by going to their blog and notifying them.

Right, now for the questions. Hold tight!

What’s the story behind the name of your blog?
Well, as may be clear already my “name” is the Oldschool Harlequin. I’ve always shortened that as Harley in the past. I consider this blog a place (a world if you will) to spill my inner workings, however crazed or dark. So yes, thus WorldofHarley.
If there was one mythical or fictional creature you’d get to keep as a pet, what would it be?
I’d have to keep a little goblin as a pet. I’d call it Wallace and I would teach it to do basic housework and to greet quests. Mostly so i don’t have to. Oh, he would also wear a top hat. Just saying.
Tell us your quote of the day?
“On a scale of 1 to invade Russia in the winter, how bad is your idea?”
What’s your biggest dream?
I’m a humble man, my biggest dream is simply to have a simple, calm life. You know, just enough money, my own place, wife. I don’t think “big” so to speak. I wouldn’t complain if i did somehow get rich or famous or whatever, but it’s not really a dream of mine. I tend to avoid dreams of wealth and grandeur.
What’s your biggest fear?
Losing all of the people in the world I care about. My family, Lee, my ‘Bruddas’ and my closest friends.
Who is your favorite person in the world?
I wouldn’t feel ashamed to say that would be my girlfriend Lee. She sure as hell gets me. Corny perhaps, but it’s true.
If you get the chance to be a part of a different culture, which one it would be?
Like another nationality? I wouldn’t mind being part of Japanese culture. It’s so different to European cultures, it would be really interesting to see these differences in action. You always hear about how strange the Japanese can be, so I’d wanna see it all in person. The Japanese have awesome television and video games too! Not sure what I’d think of the food though.
If you were given the chance to travel the world, but not see or contact any family or friends during the trip. Would you go?
I would have to say yes. It’s not like you’d never see your family and friends again. I would love to see the world and what better way to experience than at your own pace? America, Caribbean, Europe, Australia, Asia, here I come!
You have a magical ability or a super power, what is it and why?
I would choose the ability to teleport anywhere I wanted. That would save me soooooo very much on travel expenses!
You are writing your life story, what’s the first line?
“As i stand here on the precipice of the end of my world, allow me to tell you my story…”


Right, so now I have to nominate 10 other bloggers to receive the Liebster award. A Well Read Woman A Final Fantasy Blog Press Start: Get a life Pixel Hearts NekoJonez’s gaming blog My Only Reality Fighting Fantasy Project Eric The Quilter Elisa C Poetry Deep Thoughts && Rhyming Words


Now, for my questions to you nominees. Mwahahahaha! OK, they won’t be that bad.

1. Are you afraid of clowns? Why/why not?

2. If you could learn any language you don’t currently know, what would it be and why?

3. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

4. Where do you see yourself in 20 years?

5. If given the opportunity, would you visit space?

6. Who/What inspires you?

7. Would you rather be rich or famous? Why?

8. Hot weather or cold weather? Why?

9. What is your favourite genre of music and why?

10. Tell us your quote of the day?


Well, there we have it. That’s been a lengthy post. Again, thank you for the nomination Airlia ( in case you guys forgot). Thank you for reading everyone and congratulations to the nominees.

Have a crazy day!

  1. “On a scale of 1 to invade Russia in the winter, how bad is your idea?”
    hmm, that’s a hard question, I think invading Russia in the winter with dragons is just fine. So 1 stands for “very bad idea”???
    These were really great answers, I enjoyed learning more about you 🙂
    P.S. I don’t think that’s corny at all. Hopefully you and your girl would be together for a happy lifetime 🙂

  2. Gene'O says:

    Congrats, and very nice job 🙂 The Liebster is more work than most of the others, there are tons of them going around. I like them, for lots of reasons, but not everyone does. And yes, they are a lot like chain letters, but since blogs are about sharing links with people who share your interest, I find these awards much less obnoxious. Also, there is no curse attached to not acknowledging a nomination, so, where’s the downside?

    • Osharlequin says:

      Thank you and I agree with you completely! I approve of the Liebster award completely, it can only be good for the blogging community. 🙂

      • Gene'O says:

        yes 🙂 Awards are such a good way to start conversations and make connections. I think the award posts are probably some of the easiest themed content to track over time. Over the summer, I would like to do a little link-following project and see if I can figure out where some of these awards originated.

      • Osharlequin says:

        I must say that would be interesting!

  3. […] With my blog, I recently won a prize. After receiving a few awards with the ButtonSmasher family, I won another award for my personal blog. That’s extremely sweet! I’m about to write an article about that after I’m done with this update blog. I won the Liebster Award. Which is basically a sort of chainletter award in the WordPress community. But in a good sense of the word. It’s basically a prize to say: “Hey, I like your blog! You are a great blogger and I think you earn a label to show your users that you publish quality content!”. (Oh yeah, here is the post that gave me my award! Link) […]

  4. […] With my blog, I recently won a prize. After receiving a few awards with the ButtonSmasher family, I won another award for my personal blog. That’s extremely sweet! I’m about to write an article about that after I’m done with this update blog. I won the Liebster Award. Which is basically a sort of chainletter award in the WordPress community. But in a good sense of the word. It’s basically a prize to say: “Hey, I like your blog! You are a great blogger and I think you earn a label to show your users that you publish quality content!”. (Oh yeah, here is the post that gave me my award! Link) […]

  5. […] Aghast! A mysterious nomination! […]

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